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Il processo di investimento di PIMCO

Il processo di investimento di PIMCO, che unisce analisi top-down e bottom-up, è disegnato per promuovere sempre nuove idee e punti di vista differenti. Il nostro Secular Forum analizza le prospettive per i successivi 3-5 anni, creando delle linee guida per il posizionamento dei portafogli.

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How do we manage investments at PIMCO?

We bring together a multitude of minds, because only with diverse perspectives can we think broadly and dynamically about opportunity and risk.

Our process has been refined over decades.

Photographs of PIMCO employees speaking at a PIMCO secular forum.

It starts with our annual Secular forum, where PIMCO investment professionals from around the world gather for 2 1/2 days to discuss and debate the state of the global economy and markets. The result is our 3 to 5 year macroeconomic outlook.

Photographs from a secular forum and PIMCO Global Advisory Board members.

Joining the debate are some of the world’s most distinguished thinkers. Guest speakers include Nobel laureate economists, policymakers, scientists and historians - as well as the members of our Global Advisory Board, chaired by Former Federal Reserve chairman, Ben Bernanke.

A stylized computer-generated graphic of a mountain with text: geopolitics, currencies, inflation, productivity, growth, Asia, valuations, emerging markets, Eurozone, momentum, interest rates, volatility, yield

We strive to identify risks now before they happen, because we know our clients are invested now… for the future.

But the investment landscape is constantly changing, so we refine our views 3 time a year at our cyclical forums, which examine a business cycle time frame of 6 to 12 months.

Shots of PIMCO employees working.

All this insight guides the work of our Investment Committee, a group of senior portfolio managers led by our CIOs – who meet 4 times a week, for 2 to 3 hours a day.

They set specific investment parameters for PIMCO portfolios around the world.

The big picture perspective is vital, but it’s not enough.

Shots of construction sites with labels highlighting different sectors involved such as concrete, steel, construction equipment, shipping, utilities, transportation, lumber and infrastructure.

We strive to get a real feel, on the ground, for every risk we take. That’s why portfolio managers build portfolios from the bottom up, drawing on our in-depth credit research.

We have more than 60 analysts around the world, who provide independent credit ratings on more than 13,000 securities.

At PIMCO our investment process is designed to not just find opportunities for investors, but to create them.

We work dynamically, not just analytically. Our process is far more than any one person.

It distills our best ideas from around the world, all for a single purpose – helping our clients succeed in every environment.


All investments contain risk and may lose value. Investors should consult their investment professional prior to making an investment decision.This material has been distributed for informational purposes only and should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular security, strategy or investment product.

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Berdibek Ahmedov
Product Strategist
Robert Arnott
Fondatore e Presidente, Research Affiliates
Andrew Balls
CIO Global Fixed Income
Kenneth Chambers
Fixed Income Strategist
Stephen Chang
Gestore, Asia
Richard Clarida
Consulente economico globale
Daniel J. Ivascyn
Group Chief Investment Officer
Alfred T. Murata
Portfolio Manager, Mortgage Credit
Lupin Rahman
Steve A. Rodosky
Marc P. Seidner
CIO Strategie non tradizionali
Kimberley Stafford
Responsabile globale per la strategia di prodotto; Responsabile in materia di sostenibilità
Christian Stracke
Presidente, Responsabile globale della ricerca sul credito
John Valtwies
Account Manager, Wealth Management Globale
Tiffany Wilding
Economista per il Nord America
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